Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Assignment #3 Use graphic organizers to enhance comprehension

I found the article very informative in the description on explaining how to teach informative exploratory text. The graphic organizers on how to analyze structures in expository text will help students organize their writing information in a meaningful comprehensive way. Expository structure graphic organization with the sequence of events, cause /effect, compare /contrast and problem solving will lead to student’s critical growth in their writing and reading  comprehensions. Learning how to read expository informational text is crucial in science and many major content areas because these texts require students to read for understanding, not mere pleasure. Another important point the article brought out, was giving students plenty of time to analyze the text structures with teacher guided practice. In addition, to students analyzing text for signal words and phrases to aid in identification.  Students are familiar with narrative text comprehension identification and structure, however reading for information is a little more difficult for them. I feel it is very helpful for students to use graphic organization strategies while reading and writing because it will make expository text less difficult. 

Mini Lessons

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